News: October 2022
CSR: 2022

As a continued CSR Initiative, Okaya India has collaborated with Nihongo Center, New Delhi to provide FREE LANGUAGE EDUCATION COURSE (JLPT N-5) to Indian students intending to develop their careers in the Japanese language

CSR during Covid 19 times
Okaya Donated Sanitization Tunnels To Delhi NCR-based Schools & Old Aged Home To Fight The Covid-19 Pandemic

Amid the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, Okaya & Co. India Private Limited initiated donating the high-technology-centric sanitization tunnels to the Delhi-NCR based schools and old aged home to fight the Covid-19, which is still an ongoing problem.

These fully automatic tunnels sanitize students, teachers, staff, old-age people, and visitors while preventing the spread of Covid-19. We wish people, especially children and older people stay safe as they are more vulnerable to the virus attack. To make this possible, Okaya contributes by making the schools and old aged home disinfected by donating the sanitization tunnels and shall continue doing similar CSR activities for the society in future in whatever means possible.

We hope our contribution is worth the valuable life of the needy ones. Keeping up the same spirit, Okaya shall continue to serve society to overcome the pandemic and other social problems.

As a CSR activities we are providing free Japanese language coaching classes support to North India School students

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